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Cultural Heritage, Cultural Rights, Cultural Diversity: New Developments in International Law

Edited by: Silvia Borelli, Federico Lenzerini

ISBN13: 9789004228399
Published: August 2012
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £199.00

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Cultural Heritage, Cultural Rights, Cultural Diversity: New Developments in International Law explores the recent evolution of cultural heritage law which has resulted in the emergence of a new international conscience, rooted in the awareness that cultural heritage represents a holistic notion strongly connected with the identity of peoples as well with individual and collective human rights.

Leading international scholars examine the new challenges determined by that evolution, reaching beyond only tangible artistic and monumental expression and paying particular attention to the linkages between cultural heritage, cultural diversity and human rights. As such, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Rights, Cultural Diversity: New Developments in International Law offers a comprehensive and original overview of how the international approach to culture has evolved from a sovereignty-based idea of cultural property to a perception which emphasises the human dimension of cultural heritage.