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EU Immigration and Asylum Law 2nd ed 3 Volume Set

Edited by: Steve Peers, Violeta Moreno-Lax, Madeline Garlick, Elspeth Guild

ISBN13: 9789004222304
Published: April 2015
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback, 3 Volumes
Price: £534.00

This is a Print On Demand Title.
The publisher will print a copy to fulfill your order. Books can take between 1 to 3 weeks. Looseleaf titles between 1 to 2 weeks.

This set includes: EU Immigration and Asylum Law (Text and Commentary): Second Revised Edition

  • Volume 1: Visas and Border Controls, ISBN 9789004222229
  • Volume 2: EU Immigration Law, ISBN 9789004222236 and
  • Volume 3: EU Asylum Law, ISBN 9789004222243

EU Law, Immigration, Asylum, Refugee and Nationality Law
Volume 1: Visas and Border Controls:
1. Introduction
2. Institutional Framework
3. The Schengen Borders Code
4. The Schengen Information System
5. Frontex
6. Other border control measures
7. EU Visa lists
8. The Visa Code
9. Visa facilitation treaties
10. Visa Information System
11. Other visa measures

Volume 2: EU Immigration Law:
1. Introduction
2. Institutional Framework
3.The Blue Card Directive
4. Intra-corporate transferees
5. Researchers
6. Seasonal workers
7. Students and others
8. Single permits and workers’ rights
9. Family Reunion
10. Long-term residence
11. Social security coordination
12. Carrier sanctions
13. Facilitation of irregular entry
14. Trafficking in persons
15. Employer sanctions
16. Victims of trafficking
17. The Returns Directive
18. Mutual recognition of expulsion decisions
19. Transit for expulsion
20. Readmission treaties

Volume 3: EU Asylum Law:
Chapter 1 Overview
Chapter 2 Institutional Framework
Chapter 3 The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and Immigration and Asylum Law
Chapter 4 Qualification: Refugee Status and Subsidiary Protection
Chapter 5 Asylum Procedures
Chapter 6 The Dublin III Regulation
Chapter 7 Eurodac
Chapter 8 Reception Conditions
Chapter 9 Temporary Protection
Chapter 10 External Dimension