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International Law and Developing Countries: Essays in Honour of Kamal Hossain

Edited by: Sharif Bhuiyan, Philippe Sands, Nico Schrijver

ISBN13: 9789004204911
Published: February 2014
Publisher: Brill Nijhoff
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £182.00

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This book celebrates Kamal Hossain’s lifelong and significant contribution to the development of international law and the cause of developing countries.

It brings together an interview with Hossain by the editors, and thirteen essays written in his honour by scholars representing a wide spectrum of expertise in international law. The interview provides an introduction to the rich and varied life of a statesman, a drafter of his country’s constitution, and an acclaimed constitutional and international lawyer.

The subjects covered in the essays include the new international economic order (NIEO), human rights, counter-terrorism, climate change, oil and gas law, arbitration, law of the sea, international trade law and judicial reform. These essays offer important perspectives on the issues addressed.

Public International Law
Foreword by the Editors
Chapter 1:“I believe in the power of human beings to be agents of change:” An interview with Kamal Hossain Sharif Bhuiyan, Philippe Sands and Nico Schrijver
Chapter 2: The Return of the NIEO and the Retreat of Neo-Liberal International Law Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah
Chapter 3: Critical Concepts in the New International Economic Order and its Impact on the Development of International Economic Law: A Tribute to the Call for a NIEO Asif H. Qureshi
Chapter 4: Some Thoughts on the Making of International Law M. C. W. Pinto
Chapter 5: International Trade Law and Human Rights: The ILA’s 2008 “Rio de Janeiro Declaration” Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann
Chapter 6: Judicial Supervision of Countering Terrorism: The Case of Palestine Paul de Waart
Chapter 7: Climate Change and Financial Assistance: A Fragmented, Unified or Coordinated Approach? Laurence Boisson de Chazournes
Chapter 8: The Regulatory Framework of International Commercial Arbitration: The Amended UNCITRAL Rules James Crawford
Chapter 9: Improving the Process and Institutions of Investment Arbitration: A Modest Contribution to a Complicated Debate Arif Hyder Ali and Thomas Waelde
Chapter 10: Risk Management and Dispute Avoidance in Oil and Gas Investments in Developing Countries: The Way Forward A. F. M. Maniruzzaman
Chapter 11: Relationship between Investment Contracts and Human Rights: A Developing Countries’ Perspective Abdullah Al Faruque
Chapter 12: The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf with Special Reference to Developing Countries L. D. M. Nelson
Chapter 13: Transparency as an Element of Good Governance in the Practice of the WTO Silke Steiner and Friedl Weiss
Chapter 14: China’s Changing Judicial System in the Time of Globalization: Challenges of Integrating International Standards and the National Realities Yuwen Li
Biographical Data of Kamal Hossain
About the Contributors