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In the Shadow of Luxembourg: EU and National Developments in the Regulation of Gambling

Edited by: Alan Littler, Nele Hoekx, Cyrille Fijnaut, Alain-Laurent Verbeke

ISBN13: 9789004192461
Published: January 2011
Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £159.00

Usually despatched in 1 to 3 weeks.

Recent years have witnessed an intensification in the debate at the European level regarding the regulation of gambling. This publication, following a conference hosted in Leuven in November 2009, tracks these developments following two parallels: in terms of European and national developments, and legal and political ones. Attention is directed to the ever expanding case-law and Opinions of the Advocates General of the Court of Justice in Luxembourg and how debate at the European level is influencing national regulatory regimes in terms of online and offline gambling. Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom receive particularly detailed attention.

EU Law