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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
EU Immigration and Asylum Law (Text and Commentary) 2nd ed: Volume 1: Visas and Border Controls isbn 9789004222229

EU Immigration and Asylum Law: Text and Commentary

Edited by: Steve Peers, Nicola Rogers

ISBN13: 9789004153745
ISBN: 9004153748
New Edition ISBN: 9789004222229
Published: September 2006
Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Since entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam on 1 May 1999, the EU has considered, and in many cases adopted, many proposals for legislation or measures implementing legislation in the area of immigration and asylum law. These measures run the gamut from highly technical operational matters to broad measures covering basic aspects of immigration and asylum law. Between them, the proposed or adopted measures cover virtually every possible issue in relation to immigration or asylum.

This book contains the text of and commentary upon a large number of these measures proposed or adopted up until 1 January 2006, including all of the most important ones. It also includes the text of the key measures concerning asylum, legal migration and irregular migration. A full list of the measures with references to their legislative history is provided. The authors of each commentary are experts in the field of EU immgration and asylum law, and the areas covered include visa and border controls, asylum, legal migration and integration, and irregular migration.

EU Law, Immigration, Asylum, Refugee and Nationality Law
Section I Framework of EC Immigration and Asylum Law:
Chapter 1 Overview
Chapter 2 From Black Market to Constitution: The Development of the Institutional Framework for EC Immigration and Asylum law Steve Peers
Chapter 3 The EU Institutions and Title IV Steve Peers
Chapter 4 Out of the Ghetto? The Personal Scope of EU Law Elspeth Guild and Steve Peers
Chapter 5 Human Rights in the EU Legal Order: Practical Relevance for EC Immigration and Asylum Law Steve Peers
Chapter 6 Enlargement of the EU and Title IV Judit Tóth

Section II Visas and Border Controls: Chapter 7 Border Controls
Chapter 8 Visa List
Chapter 9 Visa Policy

Section III Asylum:
Chapter 10 Responsibility for Applications for Asylum
Chapter 11 Eurodac
Chapter 12 Minimum Standards for Reception
Chapter 13 Refugee Definition and Subsidiary Protection
Chapter 14 Asylum Procedures
Chapter 15 Temporary Protection
Chapter 16 Massive Refugee Flows and Europe’s Temporary Protection Geza Tessenyi
Chapter 17 Challenges to Forging a Common European Asylum System in Line with International Obligations Frances Nicholson
Chapter 18 Gender and EU Asylum Law Nathalia Pendo Berkowitz

Section IV Legal Migration and Integration:
Chapter 19 Family Reunion
Chapter 20 Long-term Residents
Chapter 21 Migration for Employment and Self-employment
Chapter 22 Admission of Students and Others
Chapter 23 Social Security
Chapter 24 The Socio-Economic Agenda of EC Immigration and Asylum Policy
Section V Irregular Migration:

Chapter 25 Mutual Recognition of Expulsion Decisions
Chapter 26 Carrier Sanctions
Chapter 27 Trafficking in Human Beings
Chapter 28 Facilitation of Irregular Entry, Residence and Movement
Chapter 29 Victims of Trafficking or Smuggling
Chapter 30 Transit for Expulsion
Chapter 31 EC Readmission Agreements
Chapter 32 Control of Irregular Migration and EU Law and Policy: A Human Rights Deficit Ryszard Cholewinski

Annexes: Annex I Proposed and Adopted Title IV measures (as of 1 Jan.
Annex 2 EC Treaty provisions on immigration and asylum
Annex 3 December 1998, Vienna European Council
Annex 4 Excerpt from conclusions, Tampere European Council
Annex 5 Excerpts from Conclusions, Laeken, Seville and Thessaloniki European Councils
Annex 6 Excerpts: The Hague Programme
Annex 7 EU Constitutional Treaty (excerpt)