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A new edition is due, details can be seen here:
Danish Business Law 7th ed isbn 9788757437294

Danish Business Law 6th ed

ISBN13: 9788757432114
New Edition ISBN: 9788757437294
Previous Edition ISBN: 9788757427394
Published: May 2015
Publisher: DJOF Publishing
Country of Publication: Denmark
Format: Paperback
Price: £47.00

Despatched in 3 to 5 days.

The title aims at enabling foreign readers - whether seeking information on Danish law for practical purposes, in study contexts or for other purposes - to get a broad insight into various parts of Danish law of particular relevance to the business community by means of one single exposition in the field. The account comprises both areas of purely national (Danish) law and areas in which an international influence has affected the Danish legal position. The foreign reader is likely to come across treatments of rules or sets of rules which are identical, in part or in full, with the rules in force in his/her own country. "Business law" is a term denoting the legal rules of particular relevance to the exercise of business enterprise. Thus, the contents of the subject are primarily determined by practical needs of providing a comprehensive account of the rules governing legal relationships of business entities.

European Jurisdictions, Denmark
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. National source of law factors
Chapter 3. EU law and other international source of law factors
Chapter 4. Survey of the Danish court system
Chapter 5. The law of non-contractual damages
Chapter 6. Insurance
Chapter 7. Formation of contract
Chapter 8. Sale of goods Chapter 9. International sales
Chapter 10. Credit agreements
Chapter 11. Intellectual property rights
Chapter 12. Marketing and competition law
Chapter 13. Basic elements of financing law
Chapter 14. Money claims - contents, termination and enforcement Chapter 15. Transfer of claims
Chapter 16. Real property - conveyancing and mortgaging
Chapter 17. Security rights over chattels
Chapter 18. Guarantee
Chapter 19. Business collapse - liquidation or restructuring
Chapter 20. The legal relationship between employers and employees
Chapter 21. Business organization company law
Chapter 22. International choice of law and international procedural law
Tables of Cases