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Emerging Issues in Sustainable Development: International Trade Law and Policy Relating to Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment

Edited by: Mitsuo Matsushita, Thomas J. Schoenbaum

ISBN13: 9784431564249
Published: October 2016
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Japan
Format: Hardback
Price: £139.99

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This book seeks to answer the questions: how do the rules of international treaties on trade and investment apply to the new laws and policies relating to energy-related trade, and do the rules of the multilateral system contribute to or detract from sustainable development? An emerging set of new problems in the law of international trade is how to reconcile the rules of the multilateral trading system with shortages of certain natural resources and the necessity to develop renewable energy resources.

The chapters in this book provide a comprehensive analysis of the international trade issues presented by national trade laws and policies with regard to natural resources and energy. This book is about the extent to which we are interpreting existing rules to cover emerging problems and how the rules of the multilateral trading system can be adapted to achieve sustainable development in natural resources and energy.

The book begins with a survey of selected national laws relating to recent restrictions on the export of natural resources, both resources used to produce energy as well as natural resources essential for industrial production. After examining the range of such laws in selected important countries, we turn to the application of the rules of the multilateral trading system to such export restrictions. We discuss the major rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) as well as the natural resources rules in selected regional preferential free trade agreements. While there is not a comprehensive global legal regime on competition law, we believe it is also important to examine how selected national competition laws impact export restrictions on natural resources.

This book will be a major contribution to the international dialogue on international economic law issues with respect to trade in natural resources and energy.

Environmental Law, International Trade, Energy and Natural Resources Law
Part I Law and Policy on Natural Resources in Selected Asian Countries
1. Natural Resources and Energy Regulation in Australia-the Energy White Paper in context (Andrew D. Mitchell and Jessica Casben)
2. Legal System of Natural Resources Protection in China: GATT 20 and China's Export Limits on Resources (Liu Jingdong)
3. Law and Policy on Mineral Resources in Mongolia: Seeking Inescapable Stability (Batbold Amarsanaa)
4. Natural Resources Regime in India: Impact on Trade and Investment (R.V. Anuradha and Piyush Joshi)

Part II Export Restrictions and WTO Agreements
5. A Note on the China Rare Earths Case (Mitsuo Matsushita / Thomas J. Schoenbaum)
6. The World Trade Organization and Export Restrictions (Gabrielle Marceau)
7. Reforming WTO Discipline on Export Duties: Sovereignty over Natural Resources, Economic Development and Environmental Protection (Julia Ya Qin)

Part III Free Trade Agreements and Natural Resources
8. Free Trade Agreements and Natural Resources (Junji Nakagawa)
9. Comment to "Free Trade Agreements and Natural Resources" (Yuka Fukunaga)

Part IV Competition Law Issues Relating to Exportation of Natural Resources
10. The Iron Ore Production Joint Venture between Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton: The European Angle of a Multinational Antitrust Review (Jean-Francois Bellis)
11. Putting Limits on Extra-Territorial Coverage of Competition Laws in the Age of Global Supply Chains: Comparison of the US and Japan. Comments to "The Iron Ore Production Joint Venture between Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton" (Toshiaki Takigawa)

Part V Special Agreements and Energy
12. Special Agreements and Energy: Filling the gaps (Michael Hahn and Kateryna Holzer)
13. Energy Charter Treaty: Standing out beside the WTO (Noriko Yodogawa)
14. Changes in Cycles and Risks of Circumvention? Comments to "Special Agreements and Energy" (Tomohiko Kobayashi)

Part VI Subsidy Issues in Renewable Energy Trade
15. The Climate-Trade Conundrum: A Critical Analysis of the WTO's Jurisprudence on Subsidies to Renewable Energy (Huaxia Lai)
16. Export Restraints of Natural Resources and the SCM Agreement (Jaemin Lee)
17. Subsidies Issues in Renewable Energy Trade. Comments to "Export Restraints of Natural Resources and the SCM Agreement" (Heng Wang)

Part VII Energy Trade and Investment Treaties
18. International Energy Trade and Investor-State Arbitration: What Role for Sustainable Development? (Susan L. Karamanian)
19. Comment to "International Energy Trade and Investor-State Arbitration" (Shotaro Hamamoto). Part IIX Environmental Issues: Climate Change and Trade/Investment
20. Climate Change, Trade, and Investment Law: What Difference would a Real Responsibility to Protect Make? (Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer)
21. Comments to "Climate Change, Trade, and Investment Law" (Shinya Murase).