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Studies in Global Animal Law

Edited by: Anne Peters

ISBN13: 9783662607558
Published: April 2020
Publisher: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Country of Publication: Germany
Format: Hardcover
Price: £44.99
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9783662607589

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This book contains 13 contributions on global animal law, preceded by an introduction which explains key concepts and methods. Global Animal Law refers to the sum of legal rules and principles (both state-made and non-state-made) governing the interaction between humans and other animals, on a domestic, local, regional, and international level. Global animal law is the response to the mismatch between almost exclusively national animal-related legislation on the one hand, and the global dimension of the animal issue on the other hand.

The chapters lay some historical foundations in the ius naturae et gentium, examine various aspects of how national and international law traditionally deals with animals as commodity; and finally suggest new legal concepts and protective strategies. The book shows numerous entry points for animal issues in international law and at the same time shifts the focus and scope of inquiry.

Animal Law
Part I: Historical Foundations
Rights of and Over Animals in the ius naturae et gentium (Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries)
On Women and Beasts: Human-Animal Relationships in Sixteenth-Century Thought
Animal Colonialism: The Case of Milk
Part II: Animals as Commodity
Trading in Sacrifice
Cross-Border Forms of Animal Use by Indigenous Peoples
China's Legal Response to Trafficking in Wild Animals: The Relationship between International Treaties and Chinese Law
Corruption Gone Wild: Transnational Criminal Law and the International Trade in Endangered Species
Part III: New Legal Concepts
Biodiversity, Species Protection, and Animal Welfare Under International Law
Toward International Animal Rights
(Certified) Humane Violence? Animal Production, the Ambivalence of Humanizing the Inhumane, and What International Humanitarian Law Has to Do with It
Part IV: New Protective Legal Strategies
Trophy Hunting, the Race to the Bottom, and the Law of Jurisdiction
Protection of Animals Through Human Rights: The Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights
Challenges Regarding the Protection of Animals During Warfare