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Procedural Rights in Competition Law in the EU and China

Edited by: Caroline Cauffman, Qian Hao

ISBN13: 9783662487334
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £89.99

Despatched in 6 to 8 days.

The book examines the rights of defendants in infringement procedures and those of the notifying parties in merger proceedings before the European Commission and the Chinese competition authorities.

The initial chapters offer a general introduction to EU and Chinese competition law respectively, paying particular attention to the substantive rules of competition law. Subsequent chapters present an overview of the procedural rights of the notifying parties in merger cases in both legal systems surveyed, address the procedural rights of defendants in infringement cases, and provide an international perspective on differences in the notification and enforcement procedures between legal systems. The final chapter draws comparative conclusions and includes a number of suggestions for improvement.​

Competition Law, Other Jurisdictions , EU Law, China
Caroline Cauffman and Qian Hao, Introduction
David Gabathuler and Wouter Devroe, The European Union Competition Law Framework
Qian Hao, An Overview of the Administrative Enforcement of China's Competition Law: Origin and Evolution
Anca D. Chirita, Procedural Rights in EU Administrative Competition Proceedings: Ex Ante Mergers
Adrian Emch, Wei Han and Clara Ingen-Housz, Merger Control in China - Procedural Rights
Daniel Muheme, Norman Neyrinck and Nicolas Petit, Procedural Rights in EU Antitrust Proceedings
Ling Dong, Procedural Rights in Competition Law Proceedings - Ex Post Proceedings
Michael Albers, National Competition Laws, International Cooperation and Procedural Rights
Caroline Cauffman and Qian Hao, Comparison of the EU and Chinese System of Procedural Rights
Caroline Cauffman and Qian Hao, Conclusion.