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The Sequence of Event Analysis in Criminal Trials: Scientific Proofs for Tracking Criminal Liabilities in Complex Accidents and Disasters

ISBN13: 9783662478974
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Germany
Format: Hardback
Price: £44.99

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This book presents a general method that lawyers, prosecutors and judges can follows to assess the quality and scientific content of technical work done for an accident and crime scene reconstruction. Using multilevel sequence of events analysis allows all key events to be fully identified, which in turn assists judicial bodies in identifying where to assign specific criminal liability.

Created from a concept long sought by the two authors (an engineer and an attorney), the method allows readers without any technical background to progress from an examination of evidence gathered at the scene of a complex accident and to reconstruct "beyond reasonable doubt" the events that took place. Once created and scientifically verified by the sequence of events analysis, the chain of key events serves as a reference source for various levels of complex organizations and inter-organization structures in cases involving complex criminal responsibilities.

Evidence, Criminal Law
Part I: On Judicial and Evidential Reasoning in the Field of Industrial Accidents:
1. On Judicial and Evidential Reasoning in the Field of Industrial Accidents.
2. An Introduction to Judicial Reasoning in Large Scale Industrial Accidents and Disasters.
3. Causation by Scientific Laws.
4. First Level of Sequence of Event Analysis.

Part II: From Scientific Proofs to Reconstruction of Multi-level Liability Pattern in Organization:
5. The Analysis of Accidents Using a Multi-level Approach: Organizational Accidents.
6. Multi-level SEA Analysis for Tracing Criminal Responsibility in Organizational Accidents.
7. The Sequence of Events Assisted by Computer Graphics: Two Case Studies.