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Implementing Adaptation Strategies by Legal, Economic and Planning Instruments on Climate Change: 2013

Edited by: Michael Schmidt, Gilberto Bandeira de Melo, Katrina Fischer Kuh

ISBN13: 9783540776130
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Germnany
Format: Hardback
Price: £89.99

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The causes and effects of climate change are just as varied as the proposed solutions and approaches for dealing with the problem. Given the global character of climate change, comprehensive global cooperation is called for that leads to effective and appropriate international action in accordance with the respective responsibilities. These will inevitably differ depending on the capabilities and the social and economic situations of the respective actors. The contributions in this book present a variety of ideas, approaches and tools regarding the adaptation to climate change in specific countries and regions. In addition to examining (existing) legal instruments, they also focus on the implementation of economic instruments and planning tools, as well as their (further) development. Rather than simply discussing strategies to counteract climate change by reducing emissions, the authors also search for ways of actively adapting to climate change.

Environmental Law
1. Adaptation to Climate Change in the International Climate Change Regime: Challenges and Responses
2. Advancing Forest-Related Adaptation: Options for Adaptation-Oriented REDD+
3. Innovation, Adaptation and Climate Change Law
4. Managing Adaptation: Developing a Learning Infrastructure in the United States' Federal System
5. Adaptation Strategies in the Netherlands
6. Liability for Damage Caused by Climate Change - A Way to Internalize the Costs of Adaptation?
7. Strategy Development and Risk Management in the Context of Emission Rights Trading
8. The Possibilities and Potential Advantages of the Life Cycle Assessment in the Framework of Climate Change Mitigation
9. Framework for Analysing Institutional Capacity for Wetland Management - The Case of the Gemenc Floodplain
10. Adaptation to Climate Change in Developing Countries: A Need in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
11. Climate Change Adaptation and Biodiversity Conservation: An Economic Perspective
12. Risk Management and Climate Change: A question of Insurability
13. The Cumulative Impacts of Climate Change on Subsistence Agriculture in the Sudano-Sahel Zone of Cameroon: Enhancing Adaptation Policies
14. Climate Change in Cameroon and its Impacts on Agriculture
15. Cameroon's Sustainable Forest Management Initiatives with Potentials for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
16. The Renewable Energy Resource Act (EEG) as German Way of a Future-Oriented Energy Policy Change
17. Climate Change Effects on Agriculture and Water Resources Availability in Syria
18. Crowdsourcing and Climate Change: Applications of Collaborative Information Systems for Monitoring and Response
19. Beside Adaptation: Concepts for the Future.