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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Wörterbuch der Patent- und Markenpraxis / Dictionary of Patent and Trade Mark Practice 7th ed isbn 9783452261731

Wörterbuch der Patent- und Markenpraxis / Dictionary of Patent and Trade Mark Practice 6th ed

ISBN13: 9783452247445
ISBN: 3452247449
New Edition ISBN: 9783452261731
Published: April 2003
Publisher: Carl Heymanns Verlag KG
Country of Publication: Germany
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This dictionary is an invaluable resource to intellectual property lawyers and translators, and is designed to enable readers to quickly find the corresponding terms in the other language. It covers terms from the whole field of industrial property protection including the various types of rights, stages in proceedings and courts, as well as the vocabulary encountered in correspondence between applicants, attorneys and patent offices. Legal terminology, business expressions and terms from the advertising field are also included provided they are of importance for patent lawyers.

More than 2000 new terms have been introduced with this edition, which were essentially derived from the TRIP's agreement, PLT, the case law of the European Patent Office and the Federal Supreme Court, the Biotechnology Directive, the US Patent Law, the European and International Trademark Provisions, the utility model law including the Hague Agreement on Designs, the antitrust law as well as the law on employees' inventions. Due to the increasing relevance of the Supplementary Protection Certificates in conjunction with the approval procedure for plant protection and medicinal products as well as the data exclusivity provisions, the dictionary has been supplemented with the most relevant terms from the corresponding approval procedures.

Preface;Survey of the patent systems of the FRG, the UK, the USA and the EPO.;Explanations and abbreviations; German-English Glossary;English-German Glossary; Abbreviations in the Patent Field; Conversion tables