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Limitation and Prescription: A Comparative Legal History

Edited by: Harry Dondorp, David Ibbetson, Eltjo J. H. Schrage

ISBN13: 9783428156269
Published: March 2019
Publisher: Duncker & Humblot GmbH
Country of Publication: Germany
Format: Softcover
Price: £110.00

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Within both the Civil Law and the Common Law we find means of acquiring and losing rights, or freeing ourselves from obligations by the passage of time. The ratio thereof is twofold: (1) In the words of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. »Sometimes it is said that, if a man neglects to enforce his rights, he cannot complain if, after a while, the law follows his example« and (2) A claim should not hang above the head of the debtor as if it were a Damocles’ sword, or on the words of Best CJ »long dormant claims have more cruelty than justice in them.« T his ratio is and has been felt strongly in every jurisdiction, but legislation, case law and jurisprudence but the specifications thereof show substantial dissimilarities, notably between the Common Law and the Civil Law, even thus that in recent times several Law Commissions reported about future modifications and other jurisdictions enacted new legislation. This book gives the necessary historical background on a comparative basis.

Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History, Volume 33

Legal History
Limitation and Prescription in Justinian’s Corpus Iuris Civilis
Lapse of Time in Medieval Laws: Procedure, Prescription, Presumptions, Custom
Prescription and Limitation in Medieval Canon Law
Limitation and Prescription in the Early English Common Law (to c.
Prescriptive Customs in English Law 1300–1800
Lapse of Time in Equity 1560–1660
Limitation and Prescription in Early Modern England
Early Modern Scholasticism on Acquisitive and Extinctive Prescription
Legal Learning and the Prescription of Rights in Scotland
Contemporary Use of Roman Rules: Prescription and Limitation in the Usus Modernus Pandectarum
Length of Time and Related Equitable Bars 1660–1760
Praescriptione Omnia Iura Tolluntur: Les Prescriptions dans l’Ancien Droit français
Lord Tenterden’s 1832 Prescription Act: Why Was it Passed, and Was it a Failure?
Le Droit Français des Prescriptions depuis 1804, ou l’impossible simplicité
Prescription and Limitation in Germany and Austria from the late 18th Century to the 2002 Reform of the German Law of Limitation and Obligations
Limitation in Switzerland: a Comparative Account
English Limitation Reforms and Controversies 1934–2016;

Series: Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History

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Duncker & Humblot GmbH
The Law of Presumptions: Essays in Comparative Legal History ISBN 9783428131242
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Ratio decidendi: Guiding Principles of Judicial Decisions Volume 1 - Case Law ISBN 9783428122165
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The Law of Proof in Early Modern Equity ISBN 9783428091980
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