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The Plural Practice of Adoption in Pacific Island States

Edited by: Jennifer Corrin, Sue Farran

ISBN13: 9783319950761
Published: January 2019
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £119.99

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This book deals with adoption laws and practices in small island developing states in the Pacific. It commences with an introductory chapter giving an overview of relevant laws and practices and pulling together the common themes and issues raised in the book. Each of the following chapters deals with adoption law and practice in a small South Pacific country.

The countries in question all have plural legal systems, with systems of adoption and its closest customary law equivalent operating side by side. In most cases, there is an insufficiently developed relationship between the two systems, which has resulted in a number of problems. Additionally, international law adds another layer of complexity. Size and remoteness in the small states under discussion have a profound impact on local practices.

Other Jurisdictions , Pacific Islands
Anuleshni N Neelta, Adoption in Fiji.
Unaisi Narawa, Adoption in Nauru.
Eric Kwa and Nathan Onom, The Law of Adoption in Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea.
Teleiai Lalotoa Mulitalo Seumanutafa and Jennifer Corrin, Plural Procedures for Adoption and 'Vae Tama' in Samoa.
Philip Kanairara and Jennifer Corrin, Adoption in Solomon Islands.
Mele Tupou Vaitohi and Sue Farran, Adoption in Tonga.
Jennifer Corrin and Sue Farran, The Law on Adoption in Vanuatu.