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Food Diversity Between Rights, Duties and Autonomies: Legal Perspectives for a Scientific, Cultural and Social Debate on the Right to Food and Agroecology

Edited by: Alessandro Isoni, Michele Troisi, Maurizia Pierri

ISBN13: 9783319751955
Published: May 2018
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £179.99

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The book reflects on the issues concerning, on the one hand, the difficulty in feeding an ever- increasing world population and, on the other hand, the need to build new productive systems able to protect the planet from overexploitation.

The concept of "food diversity" is a synthesis of diversities: biodiversity of ecological sources of food supply; socio-territorial diversity; and cultural diversity of food traditions. In keeping with this transdisciplinary perspective, the book collects a large number of contributions that examine, firstly the relationships between agrobiodiversity, rural sustainable systems and food diversity; and secondly, the issues concerning typicality (food specialties/food identities), rural development and territorial communities. Lastly, it explores legal questions concerning the regulations aiming to protect both the food diversity and the right to food, in the light of the political, economic and social implications related to the problem of feeding the world population, while at the same time respecting local communities' rights, especially in the developing countries.

The book collects the works of legal scholars, agroecologists, historians and sociologists from around the globe.

Food Law
Part I - Food Diversity, Agrobiodiversity and Typicality: Territories, Tourism, Rural Development: A Comprehensive and Participatory Approach to the Valorisation of Biodiverse Products by Gianluca Brunori, Adanella Rossi and Simona D'Amico
Remarks on Integrated Production (IP), Different Agricultural Systems and Coordinating Groups by Giuseppina Buia
Genetically Modified Organisms As Politicizing Products? by Guido Ruivenkamp
Agroecology and Geographical Indications at the WTO and in the EU between Magic and Rationality: "Reinventing" Marketing Designations to Preserve Rural Economy, Cultural Heritage and the Environment by Rocco Palma
Food Diversity and Typicality in EU and in Italian Law: Protected Designations of Origins (PDOS)
Protected Geographical Indications (PGIS)
Traditional Specialty Guaranteed (TSGS) by Silvia Bolognini
Regional Development if Rural Areas ind Promotion of Local Foods: Comparing the EU and US Approach by Elizabeth Dooley and Allison Condra
"Short Food Supply Chain" and Promotion of Local Food in EU and Italian Law by Giuliana Strambi
Rural Development and Food Diversity in France by Severin Jean
Regional Quality Labels for Agro-food Products by Clelia Losavio
Agro-food Typicality and Cultural Heritage: The Case of the Mediterranean Diet by Aida Giulia Arabia
The Role of Gastronomy and Typical Foods in the Tourism Experience by Luca Zamparini
Part II - Food Diversity in a Multidimensional Perspective: Food Traditions, Food Security, Right to Food, Market's Evolutionary Processes: Diversity of Food Traditions: A Historical Perspective on Intention and Transformation by Alessandro Isoni
Food Security: A Challenge for a Global Governance by Fabio Pollice, Valentina Albanese and Giulia Urso
Considerations on the Subject of Food Security and Food Safety by Francesco Fabrizio Tuccari
Right to Food and "Tragedy" of the Commons by Antonio Gusmai
The Constitutional Protection of the Right to Food in Bolivia and Ecuador by Anjeza Sina
The Impact of Biofuels on the Realization of the Human Right to Food by Martina Cutazzo
The Matter "Alimentation" in the Italian Constitution by Antonello Denuzzo
Consumer Choice as a Pathway to Food Diversity: A Case Study of Acai Berry Product Labelling by Hope Johnson, Christine Parker and Rowena Maguire
Critical Consumption and Ethical Purchasing Groups (GAS) by Roberto Franco Greco and Virginia Tascagni
From Districts to Agricultural Enterprise Networks by Nicola Lucifero
Company Management Oriented Towards Sustainable Development: An Indirect Form of Protection of Food Diversity? by Serenella Luchena
Part III - Food Diversity as a Legal Value: Principles, Aspects and Problems: The Multifaceted Nature of "Food Diversity" as a Life-related Legal Value by Massimo Monteduro
Cultural Heritage, Food Diversity and International Law by Saverio Di Benedetto
Food Diversity between Human and Cultural Rights, Food Sovereignty and Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage by Maurizia Pierri
Food and Culture: New Legal Perspectives by Marco Brocca
Food Diversity and Legal Protection of "Made in Italy" Label by Rosa Calderazzi
The Right to Food and Food Diversity in the Italian Constitution by Michele Troisi.