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Ratio Legis: Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives

Edited by: Verena Klappstein, Maciej Dybowski

ISBN13: 9783319742700
Published: May 2018
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £119.99

Despatched in 10 to 12 days.

The book is dedicated to the theoretical problems concerning ratio legis. In the contexts of legal interpretation and legal reasoning, the two most important intellectual tools employed by lawyers, ratio legis would seem to offer an extremely powerful argument.

Declaring the ratio legis of a statute can lead to a u-turn argumentation throughout the lifespan of the statute itself - in parliament, or in practice during court sessions, when it is tested against the constitution.

Though the ratio legis argument is widely used, much about it warrants further investigation. On the general philosophical map there are many overlapping areas that concern different approaches to human rationality and to the problems of practical reasoning. Particular problems with ratio legis arise in connection with different perspectives on legal philosophy and theory, especially in terms of the methods that lawyers use for legal interpretation and argumentation.

These problems can be further subdivided into particular aspects of activities undertaken by lawyers and officials who use the ratio legis in their work, and the underlying theories. In short, this book examines what ratio legis is, what it could be, and its practical implications.

Part I - What Is Ratio Legis? The Real Ratio Legis and Where to Find It - A Few Pragmatic Considerations by Adam Dyrda
Ratio Legis as a Binding Legal Value by Marzena Kordela
Articulating Ratio Legis and Practical Reasoning by Maciej Dybowski
Legislative History, Ratio Legis and the Concept of the Rational Legislator by Michal Krotoszynski
Part II - What Can Ratio Legis Be? The concept of purpose in Kant's Metaphysical Elements of Justice by Verena Klappstein
Nonconsequential Conception of Neutrality by Wojciech Ciszewski
Is There a Imitative Ratio Legis and If So, How Many Are There? Psychological Perspective by Teresa Chirkowska-Smolak and Marek Smolak
Part III - What Practical Implications Can Ratio Legis Have? Immanent Ratio Legis? Legal Forms and Statutory Interpretation by Konstanze von Schutz
How Can Ratio Legis Help a Lawyer to Interpret a Legal Text? Employing the Purpose of a Regulation for Legal Interpretation by Mikolaj Hermann.