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Long-Term Care in Europe: A Juridical Approach

Edited by: Ulrich Becker, Hans-Joachim Reinhard

ISBN13: 9783319700809
Published: March 2018
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £249.99

Despatched in 9 to 11 days.

This book provides a comprehensive overview on the long-term care systems in 12 EU member states and Norway. Focusing on the legal background and its main principles, it includes a comparative analysis which highlights the principal dissimilarities between European long term care benefits, but at the same time also a variety of features in common. It also discusses the increasingly transnational dimension of long-term as a result of migrants returning to their country of origin in old age, and the still-unsolved legal problem of entitlement to long-term care benefits in another EU-member state.

Care Standards
Ulrich Becker, Introduction
Walter Pfeil, Long-Term Care in Austria
Martin Stefko and Kristina Koldinska, Long-Term Care in the Czech Republic
Otto Kaufmann, Long-Term Care in France
Hans-Joachim Reinhard, Long-Term Care in Germany
Joszef Hajdu and Dora Lajko, Long-Term Care in Hungary
Eva Maria Hohnerlein, Long-Term Care in Italy
Tineke Dijkhoff, Long-Term Care in The Netherlands
Sebastian Weber, Long-Term Care in Norway
Ariel Przybylowicz, Long-Term Care in Poland
Grega Strban, Long-Term Care in Slovenia
Sebastian Weber, Long-Term Care in Sweden
Hardy Landolt and Iren Bischofsberger, Long-Term Care in Switzerland
Hans-Joachim Reinhard, Long-Term Care in Spain
Hans-Joachim Reinhard, Comparison.