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New Civil Codes in Hungary and Romania

Edited by: Attila Menyhard, Emod Veress

ISBN13: 9783319633268
Published: August 2017
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £109.99

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This edited volume examines two recent Central European recodifications of civil law. The contributors present and discuss the regulation and the fundamental changes related to the new Civil Codes in each country. They also highlight the novelties and some of the issues of great debate of the new regulation.

The papers investigate specific parts of the two Civil Codes. Coverage reviews default rules of legal persons and companies, key issues of the new regulations of property law, and the topic of intellectual property. The contributors also consider the law of obligation, unforeseeable changes in circumstances in contracts, family law and law of succession, and more. Hungary and Romania connect to each other by their special historical and cultural background, which serves as a solid basis of great cooperation.

This volume shows how the two countries view civil law. It offers readers straightforward and practice-oriented knowledge on the subject.

European Jurisdictions, Hungary, Romania
Foreword (Attila Menyhard)
Chapter 1. Legal Persons in the New Civil Code of Hungary (Zoltan Csehi)
Chapter 2. Default Rules on Companies in the New Hungarian Civil Code (Andras Kisfaludi)
Chapter 3. The New Romanian Civil Code - Difficulties in the Transition Towards a Monist Private Law (Emod Veress)
Chapter 4. The Persistence of Some Characteristics of Commercial Law in the Monist Romanian Civil Law (Zsolt Fegyveresi)
Chapter 5. Property law in the New Hungarian Civil Code: Key Issues (Attila Menyhard)
Chapter 6. Property Law in the New Romanian Civil Code (Szilard Sztranyiczki)
Chapter 7. Intellectual Property in the New Civil Code of Hungary (Gabor Faludi)
Chapter 8. The New Civil Code in Romania - and its Impact on Intellectual Property (Ligia Catuna)
Chapter 9. Some Structural Questions on the Relationship of Contractual and Extracontractual Liability in the New Hungarian Civil Code (Adam Fuglinszky)
Chapter 10. New Particular Agreements in the New Hungarian Civil Code (Balazs Tokey)
Chapter 11. Unforeseeable Changes in Circumstances in Contracts in the New Romanian Civil Code (Johanna Szekrenyes)
Chapter 12. Perceptions of Simulated Contracts in the Hungarian and Romanian Legal Systems (Krisztina Constantinescu)
Chapter 13. Marriage and Cohabitation in the New Hungarian Civil Code - Answering the New Challenges (Orsolya Szeibert)
Chapter 14. The Law of Succession in the New Hungarian Civil Code (Hella Molnar)
Chapter 15. Law of Succession in the New Romanian Civil Code (Janos Szekely).