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Political and Legal Perspectives of the EU Eastern Partnership Policy

Edited by: Tanel Kerikmae, Archil Chocia

ISBN13: 9783319273815
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £89.99

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This book examines EU Eastern Partnership taking into account geopolitical challenges of EU integration. It highlights reasons for limited success, such as systematic conflict of EU External Action. In addition, the book analyses country-specific issues and discusses EaP influence on them, investigating political, economic and social factors, while seeking for potential solutions to existing problems. The reluctance of the Eastern countries to the European reforms should not reduce political pro-activeness of the EU.

The authors suggest that EaP strategies should be reviewed to be more reciprocal and not based solely on the EU-laden agenda. This book is one of the good examples of cooperation between scholars not only from EaP and EU countries, but also from different disciplines, bringing diversity to the discussion process.

Tanel Kerikmae, Dimensions and Implications of Eastern Partnership Policy: Introduction.
Vlad Vernygora, David Ramiro Troitino and Sigrid Vastra, The Eastern Partnership Programme: is pragmatic regional functionalism working for a contemporary political empire?.
Tatjana Muravska and Alexandre Berlin, Towards a New European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP): What Benefits of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements (DCFTAs) for Shared Prosperity and Security?.
Olga Batura and Tatjana Evas, Information Society goes East: ICT policy in the EU's Eastern Partnership cooperation framework.
Yuri Misnikov, Democratizating the Eastern Partnership in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities of Political Association beyond the Language of Official Texts.
Katrin Nyman-Metcalf and Taras Repytskyi, Exporting good governance via e-Governance: Estonian e-Governance support to Eastern Partnership countries.
Kristi Joamets, Eastern Partnership and Family Law.
Lehte Roots, Mapping the Migration Issues
EaP Policy as a Tool for Regulation.
Hamed Alavi, European Union and protection of environment in Eastern Partnership Countries.
Roman Petrov, Implementation of association agreements between the EU and Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia: Legal and constitutional challenges.
Evhen Tsybulenko and Sergey Pakhomenko, The Ukrainian Crisis As A Challenge For The Eastern Partnership.
Thomas Hoffmann, Europeanisation of Private Law in Ukraine: Comparisons in the Field of Law of Obligations.
Archil Chochia and Johanna Popjanevski, Change of Power and Its Influence on Country's Europeanization Process. Case Study: Georgia.
Dali Gabelaia, Georgia's right to 'European Dream'.
Dr. Mamuka Andguladze, European Self-Regulations Mechanism: The Case Study for Georgia.
Onoriu Colacel, Europe on Romanian-speaking TV in the Republic of Moldova.
Eunice Omolola Olaniyi and Gunnar Klaus Prause, Baltic-Russian Innovation Cooperation in the Context of EU Eastern Partnership.