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International Farm Animal, Wildlife and Food Safety Law

ISBN13: 9783319180014
Published: January 2017
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £129.99

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This volume is the first interdisciplinary piece of academic scholarship of its kind with a comprehensive reader-friendly approach to teach the intricacies of the various aspects of international farm animal law, wildlife conservation, food safety and environmental protection.

The sections focus on a range of subjects, such as agrobiodiversity, fishing and aquaculture, crop pollination, soil management, industrial animal production and international food trade.

With its systematic approach, this book is devoted to anyone interested in the subject, becomes a valuable resource for professionals working in food regulation, and provides a solid foundation for courses and master's programs in environmental management, food law, policy, and regulation around the world.

With a focus on sustainable food production, this work offers a breakthrough selection of topics and provides tools for change to improve farm animal welfare, wildlife conservation, and food safety through the use of law and policy. Every chapter gives a new set of working terminology and provides real-world examples to make the complex field easy to understand.

Animal Law, Food Law, Agricultural Law
Part I: Introduction to Farm and Food Animal Law
Part II: Industrial Animal Agriculture
Part III: Marine Animals and Fishing
Part IV: Food Production and Wildlife Protection: Pollinators, Soil, Habitat and Incidental Wildlife Losses
Part V: Tools for Change: An Inventory of Global Farm Animal, Wildlife and Food Safety Laws.