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Religion and Human Rights: An International Perspective

Edited by: Hans-Georg Ziebertz, Gordan Crpic

ISBN13: 9783319097305
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £44.99

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This book examines the relationship between human rights and religiosity. It discusses whether the impact of religiosity on human rights is liberational or suppressive, and sheds light on the direction in which the relationship between religion and human rights is expected to develop.

The questions explored in this volume are: Which are the rights that are currently debated or under pressure? What is the position on human rights that churches and religious communities represent? Are there tensions between churches, religious communities and the state? Which rights are especially relevant for young people and which relate to adolescents life-world experiences? Covering 17 countries, the book describes two separate, yet connected studies. The first study presents research by experts from individual countries describing the state of human rights and neuralgic points anticipated in individual societies. The other study presents specific findings on the relationship between these two social phenomena from empirical research in a population of high school students. Studying this particular population allows insights into social trends, value systems and attitudes on human rights, as well as an indication of the likely directions of development, and potential room for intervention.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties
Chapter 1: Christianity, Islam, and Human Rights in Bulgaria, Simeon Evstatiev, Plamen Makariev, and Daniela Kalkandjieva
Chapter 2: Religion and Human Rights in Croatia, Gordan Crpic and Zeljko Tanjic
Chapter 3: Religions and Human Rights in France, Regis Dericquebourg
Chapter 4: Religion, Human Rights, and National Culture in Georgia, Sophie Zviadadse
Chapter5: Human Rights and Religion in Germany, Alexander Unser and Hans-Georg Ziebertz
Chapter 6: Current Debates about Religion and Human Rights in Greece, Nikos Maghioros and Christos N. Tsironis
Chapter 7: Catholic Church, Young People, and Human Rights in Italy, Francesco Zaccaria
Chapter 8: Perspectives on Human Rights and Religion in Moldova, Svetlana Suveica and Vitalie Spranceana
Chapter 9: The Democratic Constitutional State and Religion in the Netherlands, Johannes A. van der Ven
Chapter 10: Reflections on Human Rights and Religion in Norway, Pal Ketil Botvar
Chapter 11: Human Rights and Religion in the Palestinian Territories, Raymond J. Webb
Chapter 12: The Roman Catholic Church and Human Rights in Poland, Katarzyna Zielinska
Chapter 13: History and Current Debates on Human Rights and Religion in Serbia, Milan Podunavac
Chapter 14: Less Religion and more Human Rights in Spain? Lluis Oviedo
Chapter 15: Negative and Positive Freedom of Religion: The Ambiguous Relation of Religion and Human Rights in Sweden, Anders Sjoborg
Chapter 16: Human Rights from a Tanzanian Perspective, Clement Fumbo
Chapter 17: Religion and Human Rights: The Case of Ukraine, Victor Yelenski