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The Illegal Business of Human Trafficking

Edited by: Maria Joao Guia

ISBN13: 9783319094403
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £89.99

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This book offers a brand-new perspective on human trafficking as an illegal business. It also proposes a new form of networked action: combining the perspectives of academic researchers with those of highly skilled professionals involved in policymaking in this area, this book is a unique contribution and a first step toward a networking paradigm, promoting collaboration in preventing and combating human trafficking crime, and in raising awareness of this ongoing problem.

This book was born within the CINETS group - Crimmigration Control International Net of Studies (www.crimmigrationcontrol.com), which was established in 2011 with the aim of bringing together expertise from different fields, professions, universities and countries. It aims to form a new paradigm for sharing knowledge and advancing research on topics related to human trafficking, crimmigration control, immigration and crime, immigrant detention and all types of violence that may affect victims of crimes, helping to create a fairer society.

Criminal Law, International Criminal Law
Trafficking in Human Beings in Time and Space. A Socio-ecological Perspective by Joana Daniel-Wrabetz and Rita Penedo
The Fragilities of Human Trafficking Victims by Joana Ruivo
Trafficking in Human Beings for Sexual Exploitation in the Brazilian Criminal Law and the Consent of the Victim by Joao Paulo Orsini Martinelli
Women Trafficking for Sexual Purposes - The Brazilian Experience after Law N.
11.106, of March 28th, 2005 by Danilo Fontenele Sampaio Cunha
An Overview of International Human Trafficking in Brazil by Marcio Anselmo and Guilherme Fernandes
The Spanish Action Plan against Trafficking in Women: Policies and Outcomes (2008-2011) by Luz Maria Puente Aba and Agustina Iglesias Skulj
Victims, Villains, and Valiant Rescuers: Unpacking Socio-Legal Construction of Human Trafficking and Crimmigration in Popular Culture by Edith Kinney
Victims or Criminals: The Example of Human Trafficking in the United Kingdom by Jessica Elliot
Forced Sex, Chosen Sex: Risk, Trafficking and Prostitution in Portugal by Jorge Malheiros and Maria Joao Guia
Portuguese Good Practices in THB.