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Regulating eTechnologies in the European Union: Normative Realities and Trends

Edited by: Tanel Kerikmae

ISBN13: 9783319081168
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £89.99

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The EU strategy 2020 includes ambitious plans for e-regulation that could improve Europe’s competitiveness. However, the European states have very different legal frameworks in this field. This book introduces flagship initiatives and provides a detailed overview and analysis of the current standards and latest developments, offering practical insights and guidelines for practitioners and policy-makers alike. Further, as it discusses the main areas of e-regulation, it can serve as a useful platform for university education in light of the growing need for new kinds of specialists, i.e. IT lawyers. The book concentrates on fields that are directly affected by e-regulation such as cyber-security, databases, computer programs, e-governance, IP and competition law, and informatics.

  • Presents a systematic overview of the most relevant fields of e-regulation
  • Offers practical guidelines on the basis of binding legal norms and case-law
  • Maps the current standards, problem areas and trends

EU Law, IT, Internet and Artificial Intelligence Law
Tanel Kerikmae, Introduction: E-Regulation in the European Union. Normative realities and trends
Tanel Kerikmae and Pawan Dutt, Conceptualization of emerging legal framework of e-regulation in the European Union
Katrin Nyman Metcalf, e-Governance in law and by law. The legal framework of e-governance
Ulle Madise and Priit Vinkel, Internet voting in Estonia: From constitutional debate to evaluation of experience over six elections
Addi Rull, Ermo Taks, and Alex Norta, Towards software-agent enhanced privacy protection
Johan Axhamn, Striking a fair balance between the protection of creative content and the need to foster its dissemination: The challenges posed by internet linking and meta search engines
Mari Manniko, Intermediary service providers' liability exemptions - Where can we draw the line?
Kristi Joamets, Civil status registration - More than data collection. EU digital development in promoting the free movement of civil status document
Agnes Kasper, The fragmented securitization of cyberthreats
Agnes Kasper, Legal aspects of cyber security in emerging technologies - Smart grids and big data. European answers to security breaches and "common" cybercrime
Edita Gruodyte and Mindaugas Bilius, Investigating cybercrimes: Theoretical and practical issues
Maria Claudia Solarte-Vasquez, Reflections on the concrete application of principles of internet governance and the networked information society in the European Union institutionalization process of Alternative Dispute Resolution methods
Pawan Kumar Dutt and Tanel Kerikmae, Concepts and problems associated with eDemocracy.