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Relational Autonomy and Family Law

ISBN13: 9783319049861
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Paperback
Price: £44.99

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This book explores the importance of autonomy in family law. It argues that traditional understandings of autonomy are inappropriate in the family law context and instead recommends the use of relational autonomy. The book starts by explaining how autonomy has historically been understood, before exploring the problems with its use in family law. It then sets out the model of relational autonomy which, it will be argued, is more appropriate in this context. Finally, some examples of practical application are presented. The issues raised and theoretical discussion is relevant to any jurisdiction.

Family Law
Chapter 1: Introduction.
Chapter 2: The Meaning of Autonomy.
Chapter 3: Family Law and Autonomy.
Chapter 4: Relational Autonomy.
Chapter 5: Applying Relational Autonomy to Family Law.
Chapter 6: Examples of Application.
Chapter 7: Conclusion.