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Narratives of Justice in and out of the Courtroom: Former Yugoslavia and Beyond

ISBN13: 9783319040561
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £89.99

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This volume considers the dynamic relations between the contemporary practices of international criminal tribunals and the ways in which competing histories, politics and discourses are re-imagined and re-constructed in the former Yugoslavia and beyond. There are two innovative aspects of the book - one is the focus on narratives of justice and their production, another is in its comparative perspective. While legal scholars have tended to analyze transitional justice and the international war tribunals in terms of their success or failure in establishing the facts of war crimes, this volume goes beyond mere facts and investigates how the courts create a symbolic space within which competing narratives of crimes, perpetrators and victims are produced, circulated and contested. It analyzes how international criminal law and the courts gather, and in turn produce, knowledge about societies in war, their histories and identities, and their relations to the wider world.Moreover, the volume situates narratives of transitional justice in former Yugoslavia both within specific national spaces - such as Serbia, and Bosnia - and beyond the Yugoslav. In this way it also considers experiences from other countries and other times (post-World War II) to offer a sounding board for re-thinking the meanings of transitional justice and institutions within former Yugoslavia. Included in the volume's coverage is a look at the Rwandan tribunals, the trials of Charles Taylor, Radovan Karadzic, the Srebrenica genocide, and other war crimes and criminals in the Yugoslav. Finally, it frames all of those narratives and experiences within the global dynamics of legal, social and geo-political transformations, making it an excellent resource for social science researchers, human rights activists, those interested in the former Yugoslavia and international relations, and legal scholars.

International Criminal Law
Dubravka Zarkov and Marlies Glasius Introduction
Part One. Narratives of Law and Justice in the International Courtrooms
Chapter 1 Dubravka Zarkov 'Locals' and 'Internationals' in Discourses and Practices of International Justice
Chapter 2 Doris Buss Expert Witnesses and the International War Crimes Trials. Making Sense of Large-Scale Violence in Rwanda
Chapter 3 Marlies Glasius Terror, Terrorizing, Terrorism. Instilling Fear as a Crime in the Cases of Radovan Karadzic and Charles Taylor
Chapter 4 Predrag Dojcinovic The Shifting Status of Grand Narratives in War Crimes Trials and International Law. History and Politics in the Courtroom
Part Two: Dealing with Justice after Yugoslav Wars
Chapter 5 Vladimir Petrovic A Crack in the Wall of Denial. The Scorpions Video in and out of the Serbian Courtrooms
Chapter 6 Eric Gordy Tracing Dialogue on the Legacy of War Crimes in Serbia
Chapter 7 Erna Rijsdijk 'Forever Connected'. State Narratives and the Dutch Memory of Srebrenica
Chapter 8 Jasmina Husanovic Resisting the Culture of Trauma in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Emancipatory Lessons for/in Cultural and Knowledge Production
Chapter 9 Frederiek De Vlaming and Kate Clark War Reparations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Individual Stories and Collective Interests