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European Digital Regulations

Edited by: Markus Mueck, Christophe Gaie

ISBN13: 9783031808081
Published: February 2025
Publisher: Springer International
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £159.99

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This book offers a comprehensive exploration of the European Union's dynamic digital landscape with a specific interest on requirements for digital products to access the European Union Single Market. It delves into the latest regulations shaping the future of technology, from AI and cybersecurity to data privacy and digital markets. Currently, the European regulatory framework is indeed under substantial change with new essential requirements to be met, for example, to ensure robustness against an ever-increasing level of cybersecurity attacks. Furthermore, those requirements are likely to be taken up by other regions or will at least influence related debates, thus leading to global relevance.

This book offers expert insights into European digital regulations, featuring real-world examples and case studies to help you navigate the regulatory landscape. It also provides a forward-looking perspective on emerging trends and challenges. Its content is essential for policymakers and regulators, business leaders and entrepreneurs, IT professionals and cybersecurity experts, academics and students, and concerned citizens.

Whether readers are seeking to understand the implications of the AI Act, to ensure compliance with the GDPR, or to explore the potential of emerging technologies, this book provides the knowledge and tools readers need to succeed in the digital age. Finally, the authors outline how all stakeholders may engage and contribute to the implementation of the related regulations through development of so-called Harmonised Standards in the related European Standardisation Organisations.

IT, Internet and Artificial Intelligence Law
Introduction to the European New Legislative Framework
Overview on European Digital Regulations
Introduction to the European Artificial Intelligence Act
Introduction to the European Cyber Resilience Act
Introduction to the European Radio Equipment Directive
Introduction to the European Intelligent Transport Systems Regulation
Introduction to the Networks and Information Systems 2 NIS2 Directive
Introduction to European Data related Regulation
Introduction to the European Machinery Regulation
Introduction to the European Cybersecurity Act