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Handbook of Insurance Volume 1 & 2 Set 3rd ed

Edited by: Georges Dionne

ISBN13: 9783031800320
Published: May 2025
Publisher: Springer International
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback, 2 Volumes
Price: Price on Application

The Handbook of Insurance reviews the last fifty years of research developments in insurance economics and its related fields. A single reference source for professors, researchers, graduate students, regulators, consultants, and practitioners, the book starts with the history and foundations of risk and insurance theory, followed by a review of prevention and precaution, asymmetric information, insurance fraud, risk management, insurance pricing, new financial innovations, reinsurance, corporate governance, capital allocation, securitization, systemic risk, insurance regulation, the industrial organization of insurance markets, and other insurance market applications.

The new edition covers many topics that have risen in importance since the 2nd edition, such as climate risk, pandemic risk, insurtech, digital insurance, cyber risk, behavioral economics, Solvency II, corporate governance, enterprise risk management, and machine learning.

This edition of the Handbook contains 37 new chapters. Each of the chapters is written by leading international authorities in risk and insurance research. All contributions are peer reviewed, and each chapter can be read independently of the others.

Insurance Law

Part 1: History
Developments in Risk and Insurance Economics: the Past 40 Years

Part 2 : Risk and Insurance Theory Without Information Problems
Higher-Order Risk Attitudes
Non-Expected Utility and the Robustness of the Classical Insurance Paradigm.- The Economics of Optimal Insurance Design
The Effects of Changes in Risk on Risk Taking: A Survey
Risk Measures and Dependence Modeling
The Theory of Insurance Demand.-Prevention and Precaution

Part 3: Asymmetric Information: Theory
Optimal Insurance Contracts under Moral Hazard
Adverse Selection in Insurance Contracting
The Theory of Risk Classification
The Economics of Liability Insurance
Economic Analysis of Insurance Fraud

Part 4: Asymmetric Information: Empirical Analysis
Asymmetric Information in Insurance Markets: Predictions and Tests
The Empirical Measure of Information Problems with Emphasis on Insurance Fraud and Dynamic Data
Workers' Compensation: Occupational Injury Insurance's Influence on the Workplace
Experience Rating in Non-Life Insurance

Part 5: Risk Management
On the Demand for Corporate Insurance - Creating Value
Managing Catastrophic Risks through Redesigned Insurance: Challenges and Opportunities
Innovations in Insurance Markets: Hybrid and Securitized Risk-Transfer Solutions
Risk Sharing and Pricing in the Reinsurance Market

Part 6: Insurance Pricing
Financial Pricing of Insurance
Insurance Price Volatility and Underwriting Cycles

Part 7: Industrial Organization of Insurance Markets
On the Choice of Organizational Form: Theory and Evidence from the Insurance Industry
Insurance Distribution
Corporate Governance in the Insurance Industry: A Synthesis
Systemic Risk and the Insurance Industry
Analyzing Firm Performance in the Insurance Industry Using Frontier Efficiency and Productivity Methods
Capital Allocation and its Discontents
Capital and Risks Interrelationships in the Life and Health Insurance Industries: Theories and Applications
Insurance Market Regulation: Catastrophe Risk, Competition, and Systemic Risk
Insurance Markets in Developing Countries: Economic Importance and Retention Capacity

Part 8: Health and Long-Term Care Insurance, Longevity Risk, Life Insurance, and Social Insurance
Health Insurance in the United States
Longevity Risk and Hedging Solutions
Long-Term Care Insurance
New Life Insurance Financial Products
The Division of Labor Between Private and Social Insurance