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Providing Mental Health Support to Probation: A European Perspective

ISBN13: 9783031735677
Published: November 2024
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £34.99

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This short book provides a European-wide survey of mental health and probation. Drawing on a significant study, it explores the knowledge and attitudes to mental illness based on a sample of probation staff from 27 countries. It sets out the significance of mental health for probation staff and includes examples of good working practice, a pragmatic review of the literature and recommendations for further actions agreed by the Council of Europe. It seeks to improve the knowledge of probation staff about mental illness and outlines a future agenda for practice, service organisation and research.

Criminology, Prison Law
Chapter 1. The epidemiological significance of mental illness in probation
Chapter 2. The worldwide research evidence on interventions for people with a mental illness in probation
Chapter 3. Suicide and probation services in Europe
Chapter 4. The conclusions and Council of Europe recommendations on improving work with people with a mental illness in probation
Chapter 5. The survey of European countries examining work with, and attitudes to, people with a mentally ill being seen by probation services
Chapter 6. The future agenda for practice, service organisation and research in probation in Europe