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This book explores the delicate balance between fostering competitive energy markets and ensuring effective regulation. It addresses the difficulty of reconciling competitive market dynamics with regulatory objectives such as ensuring reliability, fairness, and sustainability. In the highly dynamic energy sector, the convergence of competition law and energy regulation is a critical factor that greatly influences the trajectory of energy markets. The intersection of these significant domains can be complex and transformative when the goals of fostering fair competition and guaranteeing dependable and eco-friendly energy provision coincide. Market power in the energy sector can lead to a concentration of power among a handful of firms, which can hinder competition and limit consumer options. The dual objective of tackling market dominance and promoting energy security constitutes a significant challenge.
In turn, the book discusses the challenges posed by natural monopolies in energy networks, the need for regulatory frameworks to support investment in infrastructure and renewable energy, and the complexities of price fluctuations. The topic of market dominance is also considered, as dominant corporations are capable of controlling prices and suppressing competition, resulting in higher prices for consumers and stifling innovation.
The book offers valuable perspectives on creating a regulatory framework that promotes fair competition and achieves long-term policy goals in the energy sector. To do so, it draws on case studies and analyses from various countries.