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Languages of the Law: Vocabularies and Uses

Edited by: Verena Klappstein, Maciej Dybowski

ISBN13: 9783031729225
To be Published: March 2025
Publisher: Springer International
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £179.99

Law can be seen as a motley of different languages deployed in the legal domain. The authors of the chapters share interest in what determines the scope of the vocabulary of these languages as well as in the way they are used. Thus, both the linguistic and pragmatic turns occurring in the philosophy of language are explored as exercising not mere ripple effects on legal scholarship, but rather as having a huge impact on jurisprudence.

The chapters in this volume tackle three broad problem areas to offer a coherent picture of languages of the law. The first section is devoted to legal language at large, including reflections on its nature and some distinct functions it performs in the legal domain. The second section of the book focuses on the distinctly legal and pragmatic dimensions of some fragments of vocabulary, used either in legal texts or in legal scholarship. In the third section of the volume, authors research specific questions regarding legal language and legal reasoning.


Part I. Legal Language, Signs & Speech Acts
Language of the Law as a Sign and as a Symbol
Listing Acts of Legal Communication: An Extension of the Concept of Legal Language
On Pineapple Wine: Compound Terms and the Ordinary Language(s) of the Law
Street Naming, Speech Acts and the Law

Part II. Conceptualisation of Law via Language
Law and (Conceptual) Revolution
The Normativity of Law and Normative Vocabularies in Law: The Inferentialist Explanatory Route
What Can Content-Force Distinction Teach Us About Law?
Union is strength. Textual agency of constitutions in the integration of democratic communities

Part III. Legal Reasoning
Application and Applicability of the Law in Relation to its Validity
The Application of Juristic Concepts in Legal Reasoning
Stranger than legal fictions - the argument of analogy
"Legal practice" as a part of the Court of Justice of the European Union's vocabulary