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European Sovereignty: The Legal Dimension

Edited by: Gavin Barrett, Peter-Christian Muller-Graff, Jean-Philippe Rageade, Viktor Vadasz

ISBN13: 9783031718502
Published: December 2024
Publisher: Springer International
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £179.99

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In October 2022, the Academy of European Law (ERA) in Trier celebrated its 30th anniversary with a congress devoted to the legal dimension of the European sovereignty. 1992 was not only the year in which the ERA was founded, but also a key moment in the history of European integration, as it marked the signing of the founding treaty of the European Union, the Treaty of Maastricht. While sovereignty was a highly controversial issue at the time, the (geo)political and economic challenges facing the Union in recent years have brought it back to the centre of the debate. This book brings together some of the papers presented at the Jubilee Congress and explores recent concepts such as 'budgetary sovereignty', 'strategic sovereignty', and 'digital sovereignty'.

EU Law
Foreword-European Sovereignty: a Union Seeking to Control its Own Destiny
Extract from Opening Speech at the Thirtieth Anniversary Congress of the Academy of European Law

Part 1. European Sovereignty: Some General Reflections
European Union Membership: a Loss or Gain of Sovereignty?]
'European Sovereignty' in Times of Poly-Crises: from Original Manifestations to Points of Concern
The Primacy of Union Law: Fit for Purpose?
The Janus of European Sovereignty - a Franco-Estonian Perspective

Part 2. Judicial Sovereignty
The Broadening of EU Competences through the Case Law of the Court of Justice: Myth or Reality?
The Romanian Constitutional Court and the European Court of Justice - Parallel Monologues
National and European Sovereignty in the European Union: an Irresoluble Conflict? The Position of the Czech Constitutional Court

Part 3- European Sovereignty in Specific Areas
Strategic Sovereignty - Aspects of its Legal Dimension
Digital Sovereignty in the European Union: Five Challenges from a Normative Perspective
Failing Better? Member State Sovereignty Concerns and the European Union's Inability to Create a Durable Fiscal Policy
About the Next Generation EU Recovery Plan

Part 4.The European Union as a Sovereign Global Player?

Part 5. Democratic organisation of European sovereignty
A Federal Future for the European Union?