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Mental Health, Crime and the Impact of Criminal Justice on the Vulnerable

ISBN13: 9783031683336
Published: October 2024
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £109.99

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This book addresses a variety of key issues surrounding mental health and the criminalization of certain individuals and groups by the Criminal Justice System and the impact this can have on their mental health. It challenges the assumption that people with mental health problems are in some way a risk or danger to society (and themselves) and therefore have a greater propensity for committing crimes, when in reality they are more likely to become the victims of crime. It argues that the misguided correlations drawn between mental health and crime, as perpetuated by the media, policy makers, clinicians, agents of the criminal justice system, and ultimately the public, lead to the criminalization of the vulnerable. Furthermore, the criminalization, stigmatization, stereotyping, labelling and discrimination endured by people with mental health problems has a devastating effect on their mental health and well-being and has negative consequences for society as a whole.

Each chapter focuses on a specific area relating to mental health, identifying key themes and issues, as well as offering recommendations for improvements with regards to the treatment and support for people with mental health problems. In addition, the treatment of offenders with mental health problems who engage with the criminal justice system and its services, such as the police, prison and probation services, is critically evaluated.

1. The Relationship between Mental Health and Crime
2. Neoliberalism and Criminalization
3. Immigration Removal Centres: Crimmigration and Asylum Mental Health
4. Creating 'Ideal' Non-Ideal Victims: 'Stills' & Queers
5. Foucault's Critique of the Disciplinary Prison Environment
6. Beyond Foucault? The Nordic Approach to Imprisonment
7. Concluding Themes