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Digital Justice: Engineering Disadvantage?

ISBN13: 9783031652646
Published: August 2024
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £34.99

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s book explores an increasingly important issue for legal systems across the world. It asks what do we lose and gain when legal proceedings go online? Adopting a multi-disciplinary socio-legal perspective, it draws on an emerging body of empirical evidence from the UK, Australia, Canada and the US about the ways in which digital justice is being conceived of and experienced. Insights are drawn from across the social sciences to discuss the interface of digitalisation with a range of issues such as due process, procedural justice, digital disadvantage, ceremony and ritual, science and technology studies and the dematerialisation of the civic sphere.

Written accessibly and provocatively, it poses questions from a variety of different perspective with a particular focus on marginalised groups.

Courts and Procedure
1. Introduction
2. What forms does online justice take?
3. What is lost when justice moves online?
4. What is gained when justice goes online?
5. Conclusion: Towards better design