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Fair Treatment of Persons in Police Custody

Edited by: Ralf Alleweldt

ISBN13: 9783031617362
Published: October 2024
Publisher: Springer International
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £129.99

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This book analyses and evaluates the international efforts to ensure the fair and human treatment of persons in police custody. Respecting the dignity of all detained persons, and in particular preventing torture, is a key issue of international human rights protection.

The authors explore various approaches to tackle this issue, including the introduction of investigative, non-coercive interviewing techniques as well as the implementation of fundamental safeguards such as the access to a lawyer and a doctor. Supported by case studies, they describe the special role of national preventive mechanisms and the efforts to improve the treatment of detainees in the context of capacity building activities. Police components of international peace missions face special legal and practical human rights challenges. Authors also ask how the positive potentials and strengths within police organisations could be mobilised for realising human rights, and, last but not least, they seek to assess the prospects of how fair treatment of persons in police custody may be ensured in the future effectively.

Police and Public Order Law
Fair Treatment of Persons in Police Custody: an Introduction
Ensuring Fair Treatment of Persons in Police Custody: Theory and Reality
Fundamental Safeguards against Ill-Treatment: Good Practices and Challenges
The Practical Challenge of Respecting Fundamental Safeguards During the G20 Summit in Hamburg.- Investigative Interviewing - a Change of Mindset
The Coercion and Counselling Approaches to Interrogation of High Value Detainees: Perspectives from the UK
Appreciative Inquiry: Mobilising Potentials and Strengths Within Police Organizations to Realize Human Rights
Torture in Police Custody and the Effectiveness of Preventive Measures: The Role of National Preventive Mechanisms (NPMs)
The National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture in Georgia: Experiences, Success Stories, Challenges
A Systemic Approach to Building Capacity for the Prevention of Torture and Other Ill-Treatment While in Police Custody
International Peace Missions and the Prevention of Ill-Treatment: Legal Aspects of UN Policing and Detention
International Peace Missions and the Prevention of Ill-Treatment: Practical Challenges and Proposed New Approaches
"Strategies for Ensuring Fair Treatment of Persons in Police Custody: Past, Present and Future"
Protecting Human Rights in Police Custody: Findings and Proposals