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Embryonic Stem Cells and the Law: Crafting A Humane System of Regulation

ISBN13: 9783031597497
Published: June 2024
Publisher: Springer International
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £119.99

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This book deals with the research and use of embryonic stem cells to combat a number of diseases and the legal limitations, arising mostly from bioethical concerns regarding human life.

Using the New Haven problem and policy-oriented method of jurisprudence, the author thoroughly explains the scientific and technological parameters and promise of this medical innovation and its alternatives as well as the conflicting claims and past decisions regarding its legal and moral acceptability in international and comparative perspective. International law, EU and regional human rights law, as well as individual countries' laws across the globe are covered, ending with American law on the federal and state levels.

The book concludes with a recommendation of humane regulation, and a draft federal statute as a model form of regulation that would allow the beneficial research and use of this technology.

Medical Law and Bioethics
Delimitation of the Problem
Claims, Conflicting Claimants, and Their Reasoning
Past Trends in Decisions and Conditioning Factors