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The Palgrave Handbook of Modern Slavery

Edited by: Maria Krambia Kapardis, Colin Clark, Ajwang' Warria, Michel Dion

ISBN13: 9783031586132
Published: December 2024
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £199.99

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This handbook takes a comprehensive approach to studying and understanding modern slavery, particularly forced labour and human trafficking. It considers the historical and cultural roots of modern slavery and suggests that analyzing the issue from humanities, social sciences, criminological, and business perspectives could lead to a better understanding of its emergence worldwide. The handbook also highlights the role of religions/spiritualities and multinational corporations in the expansion of modern slavery and argues that exploring their potential ethical responsibilities is essential. Furthermore, it combines theoretical frameworks of intersectionality and globalization to study the interconnectedness of various factors in shaping and understanding modern slavery. Finally, it contains an impressive range of geographic and conceptual approaches to the problems of combating modern slavery.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Criminology
1. Modern Slavery's Troubling History.- 2. Anthropological Frames: Human Trafficking as a Global Health Crisis.- 3. Grooming to violence: An analysis of pathways into exploitation and trafficking for female adult victims and survivors in South Africa.- 4. Human Trafficking Conceptualized Through Transnational and Domestic Contexts: A Social Scientific Exploration.- 5. Human Trafficking and Exploitation in Southeast Asia: Applying AsianCrit to Context, Policy, and Educational Possibilities.- 6. Epistemic Injustice: A New Form of Modern Slavery?.- 7. Working with survivors of modern-day slavery: Cross cultural competence and considerations for mental health service providers.- 8. Philosophical Perspectives to Modern Slavery.- 9. Innovations in fighting Slavery and Human Trafficking: Technology, Media and Collective Impact

10. Who is engaging in modern slavery offences?.- 11. Modernslavery prosecutions in England and Wales: A critical analysis.- 12. The unbearable lightness of modern sexual slavery. Legal and criminological framework in Spain.- 13. The Case of the Missing Victims of Modern Slavery: A comparison with domestic abuse.- 14. Modern Slavery and Perpetrators.- 15. Unfinished business: How the private sector is failing to protect children from sexual exploitation.- 16. Combating exploitation for organ removal and the failure of countries to include the "means" element in their domestic policies.- 17. Modern slavery as state-corporate harm

18. Overcoming evil with good: The case of NGOs in combatting modern slavery.- 19. Modern Slavery Statements and UK Retail Supply Chains: Microfinance, poverty, and modern slavery in Cambodia.- 20. State of forced labor and gender violence and corporate irresponsibility during Covid.- 19: evidence from Bangladesh garment sector.- 21. Modern Slavery Disclosure Quality of the Largest ASX companies.- 22. Business Responses to Modern Slavery: A Comparative Analysis of the California.- Transparency in Supply Chains Act and the Australian Modern Slavery Act.- 23. Responsible Labor Practices in Palm Oil Industry in Southeast Asia: Assessing the Responsible Employment Charter of Malaysian Palm Oil Association.- 24. Management aspects of addressing modern slavery risk in corporate supply chains.- 25. Modern Slavery: The Hot Potato for Organisations, which Lacks Global Coordinated Action.- 26. Modern Slavery and Supply Chains.- 27. Business Responses to Modern Slavery: A Comparative Analysis of the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act and the Australian Modern Slavery Act.- 28. Discursive Tensions in Corporate Codes of Ethics and Modern Slavery Statements