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The International Criminal Court and the Prosecution of Sitting Heads of State: Democracy, Enforcement, and Symbolism of a Revolutionary Practice in International Politics

ISBN13: 9783031546457
Published: August 2024
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £129.99

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This book investigates the contemporary practices surrounding the international prosecution of sitting heads of states by the International Criminal Court (ICC). Through a specific focus on five contemporary case studies, the author reflects on the following: firstly, how the ICC itself has shaped the contemporary practices surrounding the prosecution of sitting heads of states; and secondly, the domestic and international "problematics" that have ensued from these practices. In doing so, Cacciatori argues that the international prosecution of sitting heads of states before the ICC constitutes "an imprudent exercise of Western humanitarianism". This, in turn, has not only worsened the domestic conditions of the countries subject to the ICC's investigations but in addition, it has also served to undermine the "very idea of cosmopolitan justice" in international politics.

International Criminal Law
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. The Museveni Affair
Chapter 3. The Al Bashir Debacle
Chapter 4. The Kenyatta Exception
Chapter 5. The Downfall of Gaddafi
Chapter 6. The Assad Impasse
Chapter 7. Putin's War and the ICC
Chapter 8. Conclusions