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International Economic Law: New Approaches and Issues (eBook)

Edited by: Mariela de Amstalden, Niall Moran, Henok Asmelash

ISBN13: 9783031419966
Published: December 2023
Publisher: Springer International
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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European Yearbook of International Economic Law Special Issue

This volume considers novel emerging issues in international economic law, as well as new methodological approaches to more familiar topics. It brings together a diverse range of contributors from five continents, who share invaluable perspectives on a wide range of issues in international economic governance. In doing so, this volume delves deeply into some of the most challenging emerging areas in international economic law, approaching them from an interdisciplinary perspective that brings together legal, economic, and political analysis.

Intended for academics and practitioners at all stages of their careers, many of the areas considered in this volume are either entirely new or are being revisited after periods of dormancy. It is our hope that these contributions will yield fresh insights into these new and “classic” areas of IEL. We consider diversity and inclusivity foundational values in IEL. The wealth of ideas showcased in this volume present us with an opportunity to appreciate different facets of originality and rigour in legal academic writing, further highlighting the range of methodological and stylistic preferences of emerging legal scholars in IEL. In June 2022, forty emerging international economic law scholars were selected to present their papers at PEPA/SIEL, where they received feedback from senior members of the SIEL community and beyond. The discussions were lively, stimulating and enriching, leading the editors of this volume to propose putting a selection of the papers into a published book.

eBooks, Law and Economics
Part I: New Approaches to International Economic Law
The Depoliticization of Investment Disputes - How Deep Does the "Rabbit Hole" Go.- The OECD Good Regulatory Practices toolbox and Brazil's reform through transnational lenses.- The Role of Multilateral Institutions in the Perpetuation of Climate Breakdown and Vulnerability.- A TWAIL Approach to Reforming the International Investment Regime

Part II: Technology and Innovation in International Economic Law
3D Printing, Valuation, and Service Inputs: Looking to the Future Rather Than the Past to Design Rules of Origin for Advanced Manufactured Products.- Challenges and Possibilities for Classifying Digital Cultural Products in the WTO: A Case Study of Video Games.- E-Commerce Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements and what they mean for African MSMEs

Part III: Public Policy and International Economic Law
Pursuing geo-political interests through investment policies: undesirable and (un)feasible.- The Anti-Coercion Instrument: Is the EU renouncing its 'Multilateralist' DNA?.- The Principle of Autonomy of EU Law in the Context of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: A Public Policy Norm?.- MFN Dilemma in India's DTAAs Post-Concentrix Ruling: A Ticking Time Bomb

Part IV: Trade Regulation
Energy Transit under GATT Article V and Energy Transit Dispute Resolution at the WTO.- EU Imported Biodiversity Loss - the Gaps and Overlaps Between Trade Impact and Provisions on Biodiversity in EU Free Trade Agreements.- Multilateral and Bilateral Trade Agreements at the Service of 'Common Interest