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Children in Conflict with the Law: Rights, Research and Progressive Youth Justice

ISBN13: 9783031366512
Published: July 2023
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £39.99

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This book presents an original synthesis of the leading international research on children in conflict with the law, providing an evidence base for a rights-based justice system. Informed by international children's rights standards, this book presents relevant research findings in a clear, succinct and accessible manner, identifying the key evidence underpinning three rights-based themes of Prevention, Diversion and Justice, and Reintegration. This book is the first analysis to map leading inter-disciplinary research against the international children's rights framework in relation to children and the justice system. In this way, it provides a unique evidence base for the implementation of children's rights in youth justice and will support all those seeking to study, advocate or implement progressive approaches to children in conflict with the law.

1. Introduction
2. Children in Conflict with the Law - the Rights Based Framework
3. Prevention
4. Diversion and Justice
5. Reintegration