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Regulation of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technologies: National and International Perspectives 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9783031218118
Previous Edition ISBN: 9783319785080
Published: December 2022
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £129.99

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This second edition further explores the regulatory landscape of cryptocurrency, highlighting the rise of Bitcoin, which is based on blockchain technology, and some of the many types of coins and tokens that emerged thereafter.

Although Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have made national and international news with their dramatic rise and decline in value, nevertheless the underlying technology is being adopted by both industry and governments, which have noted the benefits of speed, cost efficiency, and protection from hacking. Based on numerous downloaded articles, laws, cases, and other materials, the book discusses the digital transformation, the types of cryptocurrencies, key actors, and the benefits and risks. It also addresses legal issues of digital technology and the evolving U.S. federal regulation. The varying treatment by individual U.S. states is reviewed together with attempts by organizations to arrive at a uniform regulatory regime. Both civil and criminal prosecutions are highlighted with an examination of the major cases that have arisen.

This second edition specifically explores the creation of stablecoins, governments issuance of their own versions of digital currencies, new regulations that have been enacted and promulgated, and a clearer examination of futuristic evolutions that potentially will have a major impact upon the current cited technologies.

  • Uncovers the key actors in digital technology while showcasing the benefits and risks of digital currencies
  • Takes a critical look at the most up-to-date federal, state, and international regulation of virtual currency
  • Explores the creation of stablecoins and governments issuance of their own versions of digital currencies

Banking and Finance, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
1. The Digital Transformation
2. Technology Underlying Cryptocurrencies and Types of Cryptocurrencies
3. Federal Regulation of Virtual Currencies
4. Alternatives to Traditional Virtual Currencies: Stablecoins and Central Banks Digital Currencies
5. Criminal Prosecutions and Civil Litigation Concerning Blockchain Technologies
6. States’ Regulation of Virtual Currencies
7. Taxation of Virtual Currencies; Environmental, Social and Governance Considerations; Protection of Intellectual Property Rights; Antitrust; and Cybersecurity
8. International Regulation
Conclusion: Quantum Computing and the New Disruption