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Law's Memories (eBook)

ISBN13: 9783031193880
Published: December 2022
Publisher: Springer International
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £109.50
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This book discusses the relationship between law and memory and explores the ways in which memory can be thought of as contributing to legal socialization and legal meaning-making. Against a backdrop of critical legal pluralism which examines the distributedness of law(s), this book introduces the notion of mnemonic legality. It emphasises memory as a resource of law rather than an object of law, on the basis of how it substantiates senses of belonging and comes to frame inclusions and exclusions from a national community on the basis of linear-trajectory and growth narratives of nationhood. Overall, it explores the sensorial and affective foundations of law, implicating memory and perceptions of belonging within this process of creating legality and legitimacy. By identifying how memory comes to shape and inform notions of law, it contributes to legal consciousness research and to important questions informing much socio-legal research.

Jurisprudence, eBooks
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Law and memory
The social significance of collective memory
Expansive understanding of law
Chapter 3: Memory, time, and law
Expectations in memory
Juridical significance of expectations within the Anzac story
The mobilization of imaginaries of war: expectations and actions in COVID-19
Chapter 4: Being and meaning: the performance of historical truth
Meaning imbued in commemorative spaces
Historical and mnemonic truth
Performing the past
Performing a historical and commemorative narrative across mnemonic resources
Chapter 5: Elasticity of co-ordinated belonging
Expectations within the Anzac legend
Elasticity in the Anzac commemoration
Chapter 6: Conclusion
Stretching elasticity