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Australian Courts: Controversies, Challenges and Change

Edited by: Marg Camilleri, Alistair Harkness

ISBN13: 9783031190629
Published: January 2023
Publisher: Springer International
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £119.99

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Australian Courts: Challenges, Controversies and Change brings together scholars and practitioners in a comprehensive and unique exploration of courts in Australia. It identifies existing controversies and challenges associated with Australian courts, and proposes a suite of reforms within various Australian jurisdictions. As the first comprehensive edited collection to canvas the diversity of courts in Australia, this book provides a critical analysis of contemporary issues, debates and reforms. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, it considers courts across state, territory and national jurisdictions, including the coroners court, family court, criminal, civil court, Indigenous sentencing courts and problem-solving courts. It also considers an array of issues, such as the relationships between parliaments and the courts, the place of victims, the impacts of justice delayed, and the role of the media - all matters which arise for court users and practitioners in different court settings.

Other Jurisdictions , Australia
1. Controversies, challenges, and change
2. Indigenous Courts
3. Problem solving courts
4. Coroners' Courts and death investigations
5. The Family Court
6. Civil courts and tribunals
7. Children and young people in court
8. Juries in the digital age
9. Bail decisions
10. Victim participatory rights
11. Injustices and inequitable outcomes
12. Delaying justice
13. Prosecution in the Magistrates' Courts
14. Politics, parliament and public influence over the courts
15. Courts and the media
16. Debates and future directions