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The Palgrave Handbook of Environmental Restorative Justice (eBook)

Edited by: Brunilda Pali, Miranda Forsyth, Felicity Tepper

ISBN13: 9783031042232
Published: September 2022
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £129.50
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This handbook explores the dynamic new field of Environmental Restorative Justice. Authors from diverse disciplines discuss how principles and practices of restorative justice can be used to address the threats and harms facing the environment today. The book covers a wide variety of subjects, from theoretical discussions about how to incorporate the voice of future generations, nature, and more-than-human animals and plants in processes of justice and repair, through to detailed descriptions of actual practices of Environmental Restorative Justice.

The case studies explored in the volume are situated in a wide range of countries and in the context of varied forms of environmental harm - from small local pollution incidents, to endemic ongoing issues such as wildlife poaching, to cataclysmic environmental catastrophes resulting in cascades of harm to entire ecosystems. Throughout, it reveals how the relational and caring character of a restorative ethos can be conducive to finding solutions to problems through sharing stories, listening, healing, and holding people and organisations accountable for prevention and repairing of harm. It speaks to scholars in Criminology, Sociology, Law, and Environmental Justice and to practitioners, policy-makers, think-tanks and activists interested in the environment.

Environmental Law, eBooks
1. Environmental Restorative Justice: An introduction and an invitation
Miranda Forsyth, Brunilda Pali, Felicity Tepper
2. Restorative justice, repairing the harm and environmental outcomes
Rob White
3. Restorative justice and environmental criminal law: A virtuous interplay
Chiara Perini
4. Restorative justice and Earth jurisprudence
Hercules Wessels and Femke Wijdekop
5. Nature's rights and developing remedies: Enabling substantive and restorative relief in civil litigation
Hercules Wessels
6. Earth trusteeship and the sovereign state
Klaus Bosselmann
7. Turning up the restorative dial in environmental regulation with an Adaptive Learning Loop
Miranda Forsyth
8. Participatory governance and restorative justice: What potential blending in environmental policymaking?
Cristina Vasilescu
9. Climate reparations, compensation, and intergenerational restorative justice
Benjamin Almassi
10. Meeting on thin ice: The potential for restorative climate justice in de-glaciating environments
Tanya Jones
11. Environmental restorative justice in transitional settings
Rachel Killean
12. The importance of environmental restorative justice for the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021- 2030)
Felicity Tepper
13. Restorative justice for illegal harms against animals: A potential answer full of interrogations
Gema Varona
14. Towards environmental restorative justice in South Africa: How to understand and address wildlife offences
Ashleigh Dore, Annette Hubschle and Mike Batley
15. Exploring environmental restorative philosophy for victims: The pollution and life-world in Minamata, Japan
Orika Komatsubara
16. The art of repair: Restorative responses to environmental harm and ecocide
Brunilda Pali, Maria Lucia Cruz Correia, Marine Calmet, Vinny Jones, Lode Vranken, Margarida Mendes, Evanne Nowak, Mark Pozlep
17. Harm to knowledge: Criminalising environmental movements speaking up against megaprojects
Anna Di Ronco and Xenia Chiaramonte
18. Looking for the restoration in restorative justice's response to civil disobedience
Rachel Jolly, Rachel Gehman and Gale Burford
19. Environmental restorative justice in the Philippines: The innovations and unfinished business in waterways rehabilitation
Jennifer Marie S. Amparo, Ana Christina M. Bibal, Deborah Cleland, Ma. Catriona E. Devanadera, Aaron M. Lecciones, Maria Emilinda T. Mendoza, and Emerson M. Sanchez
20. Restoring justice and environmental knowledge in Sami reindeer husbandry?
Jan Erik Henriksen and Ida Hydle
21. Restor(y)ing the past to envision an 'other' future: A decolonial environmental restorative justice perspective
Iokine Rodriguez
22. Socio-environmental harms in Chile under the restorative justice lens: The role of the state
Liliana Guerra, Felipe Martinez, and Daniela Boli var
23. Restorative justice conferencing in a New Zealand environmental offending context: Two models
Mark Hamilton
24. Comparing institutional responses to the mining tailings dams collapses in Mariana and Brumadinho (Brazil) from an environmental restorative justice perspective
Carlos Frederico Braga da Silva
25. Restorative environmental justice with transnational corporations
Martin Wright and Ulrike Tabbert
26. Environmental restorative justice: Activating synergies
Ivo Aertsen