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Judges and the Language of Law: Why Governments Across the World Have Increasingly Lost in Court 1st

ISBN13: 9783030914943
Published: January 2022
Publisher: Springer International
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £109.99

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This book looks at how the language of the law has changed over time, and how this has empowered judges. In particular it looks at how this has empowered judges to rule against governments.

Part 1. Language in Contemporary Politics.
Chapter 1. Introduction and State of the Art.
Chapter 2. Modern Political Language.
Part 2. Quantitative History.
Chapter 3. The "New Constitutionalism" in 187 Countries.
Chapter 4. Regulating the Extent of the State in Five Democracies.
Part 3. Qualitative History.
Chapter 5. Rule of Law without a Constitution in the UK.
Chapter 6. Federalism and Party Polarisation in the US.
Chapter 7. Mixed Legal Systems with Human Rights Reform in Canada.
Chapter 8. Executive Dominance with Decentralisation in France.
Chapter 9. The Burden of History, with the Promise of Philosophy in Germany.
Chapter 10. Conclusions.