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Human Rights in Turkey: Assaults on Human Dignity

Edited by: Hasan Aydin, Winston Langley

ISBN13: 9783030574789
Published: December 2021
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Paperback
Price: £119.99

This book provides the historical setting of Turkey related to the development of democracy, human rights issues, the treatment of cultural and ethnic minorities, and the short- and long-term consequences of the crackdown including impacts on individuals, institutions like education and the media, the criminal justice system, the economy, and Turkey's standing in the international community. Since the foundation of the Republic of Turkey, the military and the media have been the main traditional powers of oppressive, secularist, and nationalist regimes in the country. After a period of initial reforms, rather than eliminating the structures of the authoritarian state, Recep Tayyip Erdogan seized the levers of power and used them aggressively against his political enemies. He turned Turkey into a one-man regime after the failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016, and his actions included the widespread violation of human rights.

This book tells the tale of the consequences of the measures taken after the failed coup attempt that have adversely impacted the development of democracy and human rights in Turkey, altering the nation's course of history. Beginning with a State of Emergency that was declared in July of 2016, Turkey has moved to a more authoritarian state. Among the consequences of the actions taken have been imprisonment of hundreds of thousands, the shuttering of media, the dismissal of public employees, the dismissal of academics, jailed elected Kurdish politicians, and the misuse of the criminal justice to victimize the population. Adverse effects have included widespread violations of human rights, torture, and mistreatment of prisoners, false imprisonment, and the absence of the right to a fair trial. This book examines some of the thorniest questions of Turkish democratization and human rights, including the underlying reasons for the decay of democracy and what has happened as a result of this decay. Among these is a deterioration of the educational system, a reduction in economic stability, the absence of the rule of law and due process, a radical transformation of the country, and violations of universal human rights.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties, European Jurisdictions, Turkey
Part I: An Overview of Human Rights in Turkey
Chapter1. Introducing Human Rights in Turkey
Chapter 2. Human Rights in Turkey: Past, Present, and Future
Part II: Freedom and Non-discrimination
Chapter 3. Freedom of the Media in Turkey under the AKP Government
Chapter 4. Discrimination Based on Religion: A Complex Story in Turkey
Chapter 5. Non-Discrimination, Minority Rights and Self-Determination: Turkey's Post-Coup State of Emergency and the Position of Turkey's Kurds
Chapter 6.- Justice and Development (AKP) Attitudes Towards the LGBTI Community in Turkey
Chapter 7. LGBTQ Rights in Turkey: Do not Touch my Body!
Part III: The Rights of the Displaced
Chapter 8. Syrian Refugees in Turkey: (Un)Equal Opportunities in Education
Part IV: State of Emergency(OHAL)
Chapter 9. Authoritarianization and Human Rights in Turkey: How the AKP Legitimizes Human Rights Violations
Chapter 10. Shunned and Purged: Turkey's Crackdown on the Hizmet (Gulen) Movement
Chapter 11. The Cases of Dismissal under State of Emergency (OHAL): The Right to a Fair Trial as a Human Right
Chapter 12. Intellectuals on Hunger Strike for Reinstatement to their Job: The Case of the "Yuksel Resistance"
Chapter 13. Human Rights Violations and Medicolegal Approach
Part V: Social and Economic Rights
Chapter 14. Right to Education: Challenges and Issues under the Justice and Development Party Era
Chapter 15. Academic Freedom and Living in Exile: Experiences of Academics in Turkey
Chapter 16. The Effects of Democratic Regression on Turkish Economy and the Brain Drain
Chapter 17. Neoliberal De-Development in Turkey and the AKP's Socioeconomic War on the Counterhegemony
Part VI: Women and Children Rights
Chapter 18. Imprisoned Women and Children in Turkey: Human Rights Violations under the State of Emergency (OHAL)
Chapter 19. The Trauma of Turkish Women and Children in an Era of Political Unrest
Part VII: Foreign Policy Initiative: A Case Review
Chapter 20. Turkey's Accession to the European Union in Context of Its Human Rights Violations: Observations of a Journalist from Brussels