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Judicial Protection in Transnational Criminal Proceedings

ISBN13: 9783030557980
Published: October 2021
Publisher: Springer International
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2020)
Price: £139.99

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This book proposes and outlines a comprehensive framework for judicial protection in transnational criminal proceedings that ensures the right to judicial review without hampering the effective functioning of international cooperation in criminal matters. It examines a broad range of potential approaches in the context of selected national criminal justice systems, and offers a comparative analysis of EU Member States and non-Member States alike. The book particularly focuses on the differences between cooperation within the EU on the one hand and cooperation with third states on the other, and on the consequences of this distinction for the scope of judicial review.

International Criminal Law
1. Introduction
2. Country Report: Austria
3. Country Report: France
4. Country Report: Germany
5. Country Report: Italy
6. Country Report: The Netherlands
7. Country Report: Norway
8. Country Report: Portugal
9. Country Report: Switzerland
10. Comparative Analysis
11. Judicial Protection in International and EU Law
12. Recommendations