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Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union - A Commentary: Volume I: Preamble, Articles 1-89 (eBook)

Edited by: Hermann-Josef Blanke, Stelio Mangiameli

ISBN13: 9783030435110
Published: July 2021
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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The Commentary on the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (four volumes) is a major European project that aims to contribute to the development of ever closer conceptual and dogmatic standpoints with regard to the creation of "Europeanised research on Union law". Following on from the Commentary on the Treaty of the European Union, this book presents detailed explanations, article by article, of all the provisions of the TFEU, discussing the application of Union law in the national legal orders and its interpretation by the Court of Justice of the EU. The authors are academics and practitioners from twenty-eight European states and different legal fields, some from a constitutional law background, others experts in the field of international law and EU law.Reflecting the various approaches to European legal culture, this book promotes a system concept of European Union law toward more unity notwithstanding its rich diversity grounded in national traditions.

EU Law, eBooks
Part One: Principles
Title I. Categories and Areas of Union Competence
Title II. Provisions Having General Application
Part Two: Non-Discrimination and Citizenship of the Union
Part Three: Union Policies and Internal Actions
Title I. The Internal Market
Title II. Free Movement of Goods
Chapter 1. The Customs Union
Chapter 2. Customs Cooperation
Chapter 3. Prohibition of Quantitative Restrictions Between Member States
Title III. Agriculture and Fisheries
Title IV. Free Movement of Persons, Services and Capital
Chapter 1. Workers
Chapter 2. Right of Establishment
Chapter 3. Services
Chapter 4. Capital and Payments
Title V. Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
Chapter 1. General Provisions
Chapter 2. Policies on Border Checks, Asylum and Immigration
Chapter 3. Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters
Chapter 4. Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters
Chapter 5. Police Cooperation