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Human Rights under the African Charter

ISBN13: 9783030417413
Published: March 2021
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2020)
Price: £44.99

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This book critically examines the civil, political, socioeconomic, and group rights protected under the African Charter and its Protocol on women's rights. It then examines the institutional protection of these rights through the African Commission and African Court. The book builds on the concept of regionalism within Africa and the recent drive for finding "African solutions to African problems" by tracing the development of human rights within Africa and assessing the effectiveness of Africa's core regional human rights institutions. In turn, it critically analyses the obstacles to the full implementation of human rights in Africa such as the lack of political will, jurisdictional issues, lack of resources and funding, poverty, illiteracy, corruption, and customary practices that violate human rights. In closing, the book discusses possible solutions to these problems.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Other Jurisdictions , Africa
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The African Charter as representing the African standard of human rights in the 21st century
Chapter 3: Human Rights and Duties under the African Charter
Chapter 4: Implementation and Compliance with the Charter rights
Chapter 5: Challenges to States' Protection of Human Rights
Chapter 6: Institutional Enforcement of the Charter: Challenges faced by the African Court and Commission
Chapter 7: Institutional Enforcement of the Charter: Resolving the challenges faced by the African Court and Commission
Chapter 8: Conclusion