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A Manifesto for Ombudsman Reform

Edited by: Richard Kirkham, Chris Gill

ISBN13: 9783030406141
Published: April 2021
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Paperback
Price: £54.99

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This book seeks to persuade policy-makers and legislators of the need for legislative reform of the ombudsman sector, and to evidence the ways in which such reformative legislation can be designed. In pursuing this goal, this edited collection represents an academic response to a challenge laid down by the current Parliamentary Ombudsman in February 2018, at a JUSTICE event. It draws on the original research of the authors and bases its proposals for reform on a fundamental re-assessment of the focus and purpose of ombudsman systems. A Manifesto for Ombudsman Reform deals with key, recurring controversies in ombudsman scholarship, including the role that the ombudsman should be fulfilling, the procedures it should employ, the powers that are necessary for effectiveness, and the means of ensuring both freedom of operation and accountability. It will inform academic and policy debates about the future of the ombudsman institution in the UK and its analysis should be of interest to academics and policy-makers in other jurisdictions.

Constitutional and Administrative Law
1. IntroductionChris Gill and Richard Kirkham
2. Five Principles for a New Public Services OmbudsmanRichard Kirkham and Chris Gill
3. The Public Services Ombud and the Claims of Democracy Nick O'Brien
4. The ombud's jurisdiction: integration, specialism, and territorial scope Carolyn Hirst and Chris Gill
5. The ombud and own-initiative investigation powersChris Gill
6. The ombud and "Complaint Standards Authority" powers"Chris Gill
7. Managing complaints: Focusing on users and non-users of the systemNaomi Creutzfeldt
8. Strengthening procedural fairness and transparency through ombudsman legislationRichard Kirkham
9. The Challenges of Independence, Accountability and Governance in the Ombudsman SectorBrian Thompson