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The Future of Pension Plans in the EU Internal Market: Coping with Trade-Offs Between Social Rights and Capital Markets

Edited by: Nazare da Costa Cabral, Nuno Cunha Rodrigues

ISBN13: 9783030294960
Published: December 2019
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Switzerland
Format: Hardback
Price: £89.99

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This edited volume takes a closer look at various European pension-plan models and the recent challenges, trends and predictions related to the design of such schemes. The contributors analyse new ideas, both from national governments and European institutions, and consider current debates on topics such as the Capital Markets Union (CMU) and the so-called `European Pillar of Social Rights' - calling for a new approach to social policy at the European level in response to common challenges, such as ageing and the digital revolution.This interdisciplinary work embraces economic, financial and legal perspectives, while focusing on previously selected coherence aspects in order to ensure that the analyses are comprehensive and globally consistent.

Pensions Law, EU Law
Part 1. Pay-as-you-go versus funded pension plans: Which way to better address common challenges in the EU?
Old-Age Pension Systems: Characterization and Comparability
What's new in the debate on pay-as-you-go vs funded pensions?
The role of the government in creating or enhancing the access to funded or unfunded pensions in a modern welfare state
The coverage of occupational and personal pension plans
Sustainability and adequacy of various pension systems across the OECD: shocks, robustness and policies
Part 2. The Capital Markets Union (CMU) and the future of Pension Plans: opportunities, risks and drawbacks
The Capital Markets Union: Saving for Retirement and Investing for Growth
Sustainable Pensions for European Citizens: How to close the gap?
Welfare gains from a capital market union with capital-funded pensions
SeLFIES for Portugal - An Innovative Pan European Retirement Solution
The pan-European pension product and the capital markets union - A way to enhance and complete the Economic and Monetary Union?
The final PEPP or how to kill an important EU Commission proposal
Deepening financial integration within the EMU: consequences for pension regimes
Part 3. Pension Plans and the European Pillar of Social Rights: a new scope for the EU social policy?
Pensions at a crossroad between social rights and financial markets: Which way to be chosen?
From Paris to Lisbon: The ever-changing European social policy landscape
Pension reforms after the crisis: bringing adequacy back in the domestic and EU policy equation?
How to best address pension adequacy and financial sustainability in the context of population ageing. The labour market as a key determinant
Pensions in the fluid EU-society: challenges for (migrant) workers